Saturday, June 8, 2013

Weight Loss Tips

Tips For Weight Loss
Good health makes you feel lively, impulsive and cheerful all the time. In modern times we have left giving importance to our health, and this ignorance comes with thousands of diseases and over weight is one of them. We see in our surrounding many of us suffering from over weight, fat, high blood pressures and don’t know how many associate diseases which are given free to us.

Over weight is not just the problem of putting extra weight to your body but it harms your body appearance too. It makes you look older than your real age which could be cause of embarrassing at most of the occasions. So don’t loose your heart.
Here are the few tips that will help you to get better body shape.

Eating Habits: This is the first thing that strikes our body much than any other things. First of all, it is important to have control on what you eat. If you are the near your over weight, strictly advised to follow fairly low fat, calorie-controlled diet. Go for foods high in water, like soups and vegetables. This food will help you not to get extra weight. One glass of water before any heavy meal helps to suppress your diet.

Balanced Diet: It is considered the best way to loose weight. Rather than three big meals take 6 small portion of meals. By doing this you surely drop some pounds. In the very early morning, have Luke warm water added with honey and lemon juice. Your breakfast should be followed by an egg white omelet with toast. After few minutes, have one any seasonal fruit it may have apple, orange and any other fruit. You can have juices after every two hour as it will make quite your hunger for bigger meal.  Your lunch should not be heavy, go with seasonal vegetables and bread or chapatti. Lunch should be included salad which will help to digest your food. Dinner should be taken 3 to 4 hours before your sleep time. Your dinner should not include rice and sweet if your following diet for weight loose  have little chicken sandwich, grilled fish and salad with lots of water,

Yoga: Yoga is the perfect way to loose weight and get health lifestyle. Apart from this, it makes your body flexible and healthy. It surely helps to loose extra weight and massage internal organs of body. Yoga prevents protein load on kidney and improve circulation of the blood. There is much Yoga position is that removes extra fat and give flawless body. Yoga can be learned from any trained Yoga teacher.

Running: If you are looking for simplest way to loose extra weight than go for running, it works on your whole body and gives you sleek figure. Just give 45 minutes in morning and let it work on your body.  There are many tips of running which are already discussed on our ‘Tips for running” Post. Check that out for further running tips.

Exercise and Dance:  It is the best way to loose your weight with fun. There are many exercises that help to reduce extra weight from the body.  Dance is other way to loose weight and you can learn dance from any dance academy near to you.

Pills and surgery: It has been seen; many people are having pills and undergoing surgery to reduce weight which should be done under the guidance of good doctor.

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